Hello! I’m lucky or unlucky that I have to write about people who I know very well and other people I don’t, but at least I know a bit about their contribution for this, our club, and I just want to thank them everything in order nowadays our club after 15 years, is really alive and hoping to continue 15 years more.
Thank you Ricard, thank you Andreu, thank you Jordi, thank you Tere… The list would be huge, very huge.
In the name of everyone here in Club Escacs Balafia we want to thank you to all the people who have made this project possible and going on and on, and giving specially thanks to the founder, thank you to all the people even nowadays make possible we continue with the same soul we started, Ricard ^_*.
Thanks to all the people who do their best in order to have a good management of our club, spending not only time but money, and moreover looking for things like get some funds from wherever. Thank you Jose, Pep, Miquel, Jorgina…
Thank you all the players some day have been in our club, although nowadays you perhaps aren’t in our club we have a place for you in our hearths, Antonio, Dani, Dorin, Armand, Xavi, Jesús, Emilio, Ángel, Javi, Marc, Genís… If we start with players we would never finish, and only asking for not being with us I hope you remember us in good terms as we do, we always tried the best for everybody. Thank you for bringing with you your happiness, your blood, your energy in order to make things possible, playing with us, simply to share moments with us, and we will be always thank you and you’ll be in our hearth.
Thank you to the neighbourhood association, which continues making possible this, our project, finally is very difficult managint all the resources, then we are specially thanked and the local institutions which, when we want to organise something, they try help us, thank you so much by hearth.